Lean Industries: Your Friend in Fighting Friendly Fraud

The 2017 holiday season has come and gone, but the fallout on the dispute and...

How will your AI kitchen know how to make Chicken Cacciatore when you ask it to?

There is no doubt Artificial Intelligence will play a pivotal role in our...


Utilize specialized workflows to manage all types of disputes

Accurate workflow design and implementation has become a repeatable success...

White Paper: Are you a payments processor?

Lean Industries has published a white paper on the subject of disputes...

Major Issuing Bank

Verifi & Lean Industries launch first joint major issuing bank

Verifi and Lean industries today announced the boarding of their first major...

EMV Chip Card

EMV in the US: Are You Ready?

The United States is one of the last markets in the world to adopt the EMV...

White Paper: Consumer "self-service" disputes management

Lean Industries has published another white paper – this one on the subject...

Verifi & Lean Industries Announce Partnership

Companies enhance dispute automation for card issuers Los Angeles, CA &...