“Previously, this bank took upwards of six months to effectively train a new staff member. With the use of AdjustmentHub, staff members are now fully productive in only two or three months – well over a 50% reduction in average training time.”
“With AdjustmentHub, timers now alert associates when an action needs to be taken on a case, ensuring that deadlines and due dates for processing are not missed and minimizing chances for errors or losses.”
“AdjustmentHub significantly improved employee productivity by creating interfaces to other internal bank systems, allowing associates to process a dispute from a single system and eliminating the need to access multiple systems to gather information. Associates can now automatically retrieve transaction history, send and receive documents digitally, send chargebacks to the network, send and receive dispute documentation through MasterCard’s MasterCom (MCOM) system, create and modify customer letters electronically, and even retrieve customer statements – all within one system.”
“With the U.S. market’s intensified regulation – particularly of large financial institutions, AdjustmentHub’s reporting capabilities have become extremely valuable. AdjustmentHub can generate reports on-demand that pull any relevant information directly from case databases to comply with these regulations in an accurate and timely manner.”