Lean Industries has published a white paper on the subject of disputes management in processor environments.  Companies who offer payments services to many different financial institutions, acquirers and merchants often lack the applications to make their dispute operations productive.  This problem is amplified with the challenges of scale and volume.  Complex and changing client requirements can limit a processor’s ability to efficiently deliver a value-added service like disputes management.

This paper will help your organization to fully consider the scope and complexity of modernizing your dispute operations.  Inside, you will read about the various impacts and opportunities you have to make substantial improvements in the dispute management services you offer to your clients.

To obtain your copy of this white paper, please contact us at marketing@leanindustries.com

Enjoy an excerpt from this white paper:

“Various domestic and international EFT processing organizations are offering shared dispute handling services to their client base. Most of these systems in use today are “home-grown” systems, systems that are rapidly becoming outdated due to lack of scarce business and IT resources tending to their maintenance and enhancement. Meanwhile, the processors’ customer base is constantly demanding additional services, bringing additional pressures to bear on the delivery of new payment services.  This white paper, composed by staff at Lean Industries, discusses the basic requirements of modern dispute handling systems in complex processor environments. It will aid third-party processing companies with the process of evaluating both in-house development options as well as vendor-supplied software product options for dispute management services.

Multi-Tenant Environments

Serving the different needs of multiple customers mandate business and technical security levels for both functions and data management far beyond those of an in-house dispute processing environment with a single set of internal users.

Issuing customers must only be able to access and process transactions based on their own BINs, acquiring customers must be segregated by terminal, and each corporate entity can only be allowed to view, process and queue their own dispute cases. This requires separation logic that can operate with inputs from one or more data warehouses in multiple payment switch environments.

Each customer entity must be able to select and/or be assigned to specific service levels, within which disputed items can be assigned workflows and various user groups can be assigned work.

Multi-tenant system capability and service level adaptability are crucial features in a complex processor dispute environment.