Auto case creation

Client Engagement

Resolve chargebacks quickly

Our NetworkHub solution collects all incoming network dispute data and creates cases in AdjustmentHub to be investigated and resolved by the acquirer, merchant or terminal owner.

Offer a portal for your merchants and ISOs to quickly and easily submit dispute specific documents such as receipts, ATM journals, and merchant policies to contest chargebacks and fulfill retrieval requests.  In addition, this portal allows merchants and ISOs to initiate adjustments.

AdjustmentHub workflows will collect and present necessary merchant, original transaction, and dispute data, and will guide your users through the optimal resolution process.

Integrate with payment networks

Communicate and collect documentation

Visualize your data

The NetworkHub solution allows you to exchange dispute data automatically with payment networks, rather than through manual user actions. Our library of standardized interfaces support protocols for Visa VROL RTSI, Mastercard MCOM Claims Manager API, Discover DNDS, STAR, NYCE, PULSE, and others. Click here to learn about our expertise integrating with various payment networks.

Automatically send notifications and status updates to your clients, and provide them with the ability to upload supporting documentation to dispute cases in AdjustmentHub.

What’s my financial risk exposure right now? What’s our average fulfillment and representment turnaround time? Which merchants are attracting the most disputes? Gain these insights and many others with our reporting platform.

To learn more about our company and its products and services, contact our relationship team!